Great Coat Cravats and Ascots


   Copied from a period cravat, our Cravats are made in a variety of colours and fabrics.  Our Cravat is 2 ½ “ wide with a button hole to pass through and tie.   Please inquire about available colours and patterns.  Tying suggestions included.

    Price $65.00 in Silk
   $50.00 in other fabrics
   $85.00 Embroidered







    Adapted from period neckwear, our Ascots are made in a variety of colours and fabrics.  Our Ascot is narrower around the neck and wider for a fuller presentation in front.  Please inquire about available colours and patterns.   Tying suggestions included.

    Price $65.00 in Silk
   $50.00 in other fabrics
   $85.00 Embroidered